Saturday, June 22, 2024

Wavering Identity

 The water is deceptively 
  than it appears 
wavering in and out
on the horizon

Wading further out
    feeling soaked
   broken untethered 

   Working up the courage
  walking on sharp
     pieces of shattered
         sea shells 
      foamy froth 
     undulating beneath
     Separating from the hold
   that was placed
      becoming whole again
         finding my identity

Thursday, June 22, 2023


Staggering through the dark

I heard you call to me

desperately searching 

I could not find you. 

Defeated by thoughts

your memory

burns a hole

in my mind. 

The dawn breaks through

clouds streaking

across blue skies

memories escaping out. 

Where did you go?

What did you find?

I lay waiting

left as an afterthought.

You cast a shadow

the doubts creeping in

I tried so hard

only to be forgotten. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Death of a Gurl

Walking in your shadow
it looms larger than life 
You say I can beat this 
You tell me to fight. 

When it crumbled to pieces 
I could not stand. 
At my darkest hour 
You refused to give me light. 

The mirror became my enemy 
I struggle to exist 
under Your thumb. 

The battle is fraught, 
everyone feels like an adversary. 
You say I can trust You 
You instigated the rage. 

I wish I could murder You 
that would be mercy. 
You lay down your weapons 
I will hang Your noose. 

I will bury You 
You will not be remembered 
You will not be mourned. 

I can stop wishing 
You were never born.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Hair getting shorn
finally feel 
like I am coming into my own 
So close 
to tasting testosterone 

That first shot 
is going to be 
my liberation 
free from the shackles 
of being the wrong person 

Imagining my life whole 
flat chest 
the right name 
shirtless on a beach 
my toes cool in the water 

Completely free

Monday, June 22, 2020


I'm floating in the ocean
wave after wave
assaulting my senses
depriving me of breath

What does it mean
to be blue or pink
suffocating from your
fucked up perceptions

Who am I supposed to be?
Forced to be pink
screaming out "I'm blue!"
the ocean drowns out my sorrows

Cyan waters engulf me
suppressing my shouts
disorienting thoughts
dissipate into the sea

The last words die out
on the tip of my tongue
choking on the brine
losing the fight

Saturday, June 22, 2019


You left your mark on me
  the ink on the page is fad i n g  o u t
    drinking the bitter poison
         of my agony

     Your face gleefully shines
      a stark contrast
   compared to mine

Pieces of my heart
 falling apart,
  dodging minefields,
    stepping on shattered glass

   The past is in the past
     You’ve moved on
    I’m still riding
  this wave of e m o t i o n s

So I close the door
  to you


Friday, June 22, 2018


Drifting in and out of consciousness
the water buoys me
exhaustion starting to take over

The iciness settles into my bones
feeling sodden and sullen
a dead weight in the ocean

The edges of my mind blurring
I spiral out of control
falling into a chasm of drowsiness

I cannot hold out much longer
forcing my leaden lids to stay open
hallucinating salvation

I try to anchor my thoughts
choking on the salt
gasping for air

Just as I have succumbed
my body cold and numb
the tidal waves crash onto the shore
Not adrift anymore