Sunday, September 27, 2009

Question 1

I would have to say that I am more closely aligned with the Democratic Party since they stick up more for the middle class people. The Republicans seem to help people who are more wealthy. I don't really know everything about the Democratic Party but I know based off of President Bush that they are not very great. I think we would have been better off with a monkey running the presidency compared to President Bush.

Current Event 1: Armey's Army Marches Against Obama

Background Info: The article I read is about a man named Richard Armey who is against President Obama's health care program. He has held rallies and organizations against it. He happens to be a Republican and he heads a group called the FreedomWorks.

Summary: Richard Armey is the main person being talked about throughout the article. How he always seems to have a problem with different programs and how he quit his job at a law and lobbying firm. The article also mentions how much money his organization, FreedomWorks, receives and how much money Armey himself makes from the profits of the organization.

Analysis: Everyone seems to have a problem with Obama's health care program. They should just work it out amongst themselves and resolve their issues in a more productive way instead of spending so much money on organizations who are against the program. If they made less arguments and more compromises they would get more work done.

Comment: This argument over Obama's health care program is monotousness. I personally have been hearing about the controversies about the program for too long. They need to move on to other issues such as the fact that America is in so much debt and how it increases with each passing second.
