Sunday, March 21, 2010

Editorial: Who Grades the Graders?

This editorial is about teacher evaluations. President Obama plans to rework the No Child Left Behind Act to create a better system to evaluate teachers. This is supposed to help schools focus more on educating students. Evaluations are supposed to consist one or two classroom visits to teachers. However, in some conventional schools, tenured teachers are only evaluated once every three or four years. I believe that every teacher should be evaluated once every year, too make sure that the students are doing well and if the teacher is teaching the right curriculum. Education is very important so teachers need to be evaluated because of that importance. Administrators such as principals and superintendents need to make sure that each teacher is doing well so that the students are doing their best.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Editorial: Your Reality TV

In this editorial there is a debate about whether or not Supreme Court proceedings should be televised. The opponents to this idea state that this would deprive people from having fair trials by intimidating the witnesses and jurors. So far, the Supreme Court only agrees to release audiotapes after the trial is over and a decision has been made. The people who support the idea of having Supreme Court cases televised believe that this will allow people to see how that part of our government works. I believe that this would be a good opportunity for people to understand more about the government itself. However, I also believe that televising the trials will effect the trial and bias the jurors based on how the trial is being televised and who is being favored.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Editorial: So much for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

This editorial is about the recession and how millions of people are losing jobs each month. According to the editorial 8.4 million people have lost their jobs since December 2007. There needs to be a new fiscal aid given to the states. I believe that if Congress and the President worked harder to fix the recession problem than maybe we as a country could finally be able to move forward. However, with our current situation, it's going to be harder to get back on track to where we should be. Though the Congress is trying to work hard to fix the situation, they are not working hard enough.