Sunday, November 6, 2011

In the Dead of Night

The vast expanse of pure white snow;
As the tears brim and overflow.
The breath comes out in puffs of smoke;
As he takes another toke.

The cool night air envelops me;
It gets harder to see.
A black sky filled with stars;
Trying to figure out who you are.
When you're left with only scars.

I see his dilated pupils,
As he pops more pills.
He takes a shaky breath,
Wishing for death.

He closes his eyes,
Waiting for his demise.
He lays down in the bitter cold,
Frostbite nipping at his toes.

The snow is his blanket,
As well as his bed;
It's his coffin and life,
And now he's dead.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Living in the Past

Rockets raging in the blood red sky;
Watching my life pass me by.
Stars fading into the distance;
Wishing myself away from existence.

Looking up at the array of constellations,
Fighting for a semblance of sanity,
Trying to decipher reality,
Waiting for some sort of invitation.

Getting rejected,
Feeling dejected.
Another thought begins to escape,
A smile appears just as fake.

Cutting through the back roads,
Hoping to just let go.
Driving through the barren ground,
Dead grass passes by yellow and brown.

Staring at a faded photograph,
As my memories come rushing back.
Like an old familiar song,
A confirmation of why I don't belong.

Friday, July 8, 2011


The blood splatters everywhere;
white puffs of snow land on my hair.
The red drops sparkling amongst the white snow;
The black backdrop of shining stars hanging low.

Fear, anger, abandonment and sadness blend together;
Experiencing too many emotions all at once.
Having to deal with the memories and the bad weather;
As the voices and the memories create a resonance.

Reality and illusions merge;
Confusion and thoughts surge.
Left in a trance;
I know I don't stand a chance.

Left with a vast emptiness inside;
Not a shred of pride.
Doubts filling the corners of my mind;
Wishing to go back in time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Thoughts pouring into my brain like water into a glass.
Thoughts clear, cut and concise.
Illusions broken and shattered;
Nothing left but matter.

An electrical impulse shot through the brain;
Circuits fried and drive me insane.
Memories come rushing through in waves;
Bleary thoughts begin to invade.

A weightless feeling begins to form
My brain starts pounding like a relentless storm;
Taking shot after shot is not enough;
The memories remain just as rough.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


A gun in his hand;
His last stand.
The life is gone;
He feels withdrawn.

Fear and hate mingle together,
The startling revelation;
Feeling lighter than a feather,
Life itself an abomination.

A free soul flying through the sky;
Feeling so fucking high.
Minds are blown to epic proportions;
Everything around him in distortion.

Friends just another fucking lie,
All his thoughts have been divided;
Left by yourself to die,
An entity that's not sighted.

Jumbled ideas float in his head;
Why isn't he already dead?
When all he wants to do is shout,
Who's left to hear him out?

Sunday, March 27, 2011


A sharp thorn to the heart
A good stab in the back;
Invisible to everyone from the start
Letting my life get off track.

Sitting in the darkness
Hoping for the end to come;
Still holding onto a harness
Waiting to succumb.

Fear consumes all perceptions
Doubt creeps around the corners;
Every path leads to another deception
Becoming a lost mourner.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Shards of glass piercing through my skin;
Torn thoughts of sensual sin.
The hearts that break as well as the souls;
Feeling like you'll never quite be part of a whole.

Life is a cruel fucked up joke;
Everything is just a hoax.
My idea of reality has clear cut cracks;
I will never get my life back.

As teardrops fall from the sky;
Just another person hung out to dry.
Savoring the salty tears from self-afflicted sympathy.
Mindlessly listening to the sounds of another forgotten symphony.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

six word story

Fuck the lies and keep going.


Cast a shadow amongst the stars,
Who the fuck cares who you really are.
Let the warmth of the sun soak you up.

Disappear amongst the crowd,
There's nothing left to feel proud about.
Standing alone in the quiet of the night,
When you've given up the fight.

The power of the words shatters into pieces,
The thoughts cease to exist.
Helpless, falling blindly into the same patterns;
Falling into the abyss of a cavern.