Sunday, September 29, 2013

To Seasons

Sweltering summer heat,
you can taste the sunset’s colors:
Pink, purple, orange, red, blue,
swirling together.
Cotton candy clouds,
reminders of forgotten fairs.

Colorful sunsets lead to
the changing of the leaves.
Autumn sets in an array of colors:
Red, yellow, purple, brown.
You can hear them,
the leaves crinkling beneath your feet.

The sun sets faster,
Winter has arrived with winds.
At night everything is black,
in the morning it is bathed in white.
You can feel the colors.
The trees stand stripped, broken, and bare.

The bitter cold leads to warmth,
Spring has made an appearance.
A month’s worth of rain,
has led to flowers blooming.
You can smell them:
Yellow, pink, purple, orange, blue, red.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Room

Four walls washed in white,
My first year of college
A dull dorm room.

Spacious compared to other rooms,
Filled with laughter and fun
A cool roommate.

The overhead light
Makes the room feel like a “prison”,
Her words not mine.

The windows don’t help,
They enhance the idea of imprisonment,
Both of our lamps diminish the idea.

Four walls washed in white,
The color of our personalities
Shape the room and make it better.

My wall has a few poems made by me,
A bunch of yellow sticky notes
Filled with random music lyrics
Written by my roommate.

Her wall has a few movie posters,
Family pictures adorn her side,
The room no longer feels like a prison,
It has become our second home. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fatal Wound

The knife stabs into me
Leaving a wound,
That cannot be repaired.

I'm left to bleed out
The crimson blood,
Blends into the black pavement.

You stare down,
into the depths
of my empty eyes.

The world shatters
It's too late to heal,
The darkness consumes.

You left me in the dark,
You didn't look back,
As I lay dying on the street.