Sunday, May 23, 2010

Senior Reflection #2

After summer I am going to attend Virginia Commonwealth University. I want to be a psychiatrist so I still have a lot of years to spend in school because I also have to go to medical school. Everyone in my family is expected to become a doctor, so I guess it's a good thing that I decided to become a psychiatrist years ago. Instead of having to be forced to make a decision about which specific doctor I should become. At least I have this summer to look forward to before I have to go to college and worry some more about school. Unfortunately because college starts back up in August, unlike in high school when school starts after labor day; my summer will be shorter then usual.

Article # 2

The article I read is a satire on the judgment that citizens have. Usually there's a judgment about how elected officials run their jobs not elected officials judging the decisions made by citizens. This article states real people such as President Obama stating false things about the competence of regular voting citizens. They are making law abiding regular voting citizens to be bad and the elected officials to be the victims for being wrongly elected by those citizens. This article makes fun of how U.S. citizens vote for specific officials such as the president and then complain about the decisions that those officials make after being elected. U.S. citizens are being made fun of for making those decisions in the first place.

I chose this article because I thought it was funny and it assesses the problems within our society. How people make "well-informed" decisions when they go to cast their votes only to realize after the person is elected that they made a mistake and then they start complaining about it. I thought it was well written and ironic because the people who made the votes are the people being made fun of which is different from the usual SNL sketches that make fun of the elected officials instead. It's become a social norm to poke fun of elected officials such as the different presidents we've had over the years. No one makes fun of the people who voted for those elected officials and their complaints about specific decisions made by those elected officials such as Obama's healthcare reform. I enjoyed this article because of the irony and how it's different from most satires.,17459/

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Senior Reflection #1

Well, the year's almost over and I can't wait. I always hated this school and yet I feel I'm still going to miss bits and pieces of it because it's become a part of my past. However, now it's time to step into the future and look forward to enjoying my last summer of relaxation right before college starts. I'm excited because graduation day also happens to be my eighteenth birthday. I plan on staying up late and just having fun this summer, but as of right now school hasn't officially ended yet and there's still a lot of work teachers keep giving out. When will teachers learn that no senior wants to deal with homework when all of our minds is permanently on vacation; well at least mine is anyway, though I'm pretty sure everyone would agree with my sentiment.

Article #1

The article that I chose is a satire on the First Amendment and how we should be able to say whatever we want whenever we want. It talked mainly about how the Supreme Court upholds that right stated in the constitution. It even mentioned a fake case City of Charleston vs. The Kanawha Players that talked about how the Bill of Rights states that everyone should be able to say what they want. It makes fun of how some people don't seem to understand that people have the right to express their own opinions and word it the way they want. Throughout the article there are a numerous amount of bad words and foul language used to express their point about why people should be able to say what they want.

I chose this article because I agree that we should be able to say what we want and it shouldn't be a big deal as long as you don't intentionally hurt someones feelings and it's just a joke. I thought the article was very funny and the bad words were put there in order for people to understand their point about the First Amendment, that people shouldn't make such a big deal about certain words used by other people. If someone has a problem with what somebody else said then they should just talk it out instead of making such a big deal about it and going to court over a specific statement made out of context.

P.S. before you read the article remember you've been warned this article contains bad language and lots of it; enjoy!!!,17372/