Friday, June 22, 2012

Breaking Waves

I plunge deep into the sea;
The waves overtake my sanity.
An electrical current runs through;
As I dive deeper into the murky blue.

The light flickers overhead;
As my world turns blood red.
The emptiness resonates inside;
As I try to fight through the tide.

The jewels of time unwind;
As I stumble through the grit and grime.
Lightning bolts across the sky;
Thunder rumbles with nowhere to hide.

I'm troubled with the guilt;
The knife buried to the hilt.
The blood coagulates from the wound;
As I let my thoughts consume.

Purple rain falls on my head;
Embers and flames come in shreds.
Bursts of light in a broken world;
Empty promises and thoughts swirled.

Isolated in desolation;
A look of concentration.
Surrounded by sand;
On another unfamiliar land.

Treading on shards of glass;
Trying to forget the past;
A rush of adrenaline in my veins;
Tears of anguish feeling ashamed.

The End

An emptiness grows inside;
Thoughts I wish to hide.
Thorns pierce through me;
Lost in the subtle beauty.

A feeling of bliss;
Concealing another alias.
A blatant form of deception;
Contorting all of my perceptions.

The world comes crashing down;
As we collide and hit the ground.
We're sputtering out of control;
Shots break out from pistols.

A bittersweet ending;
As everything is descending.
The peace has shattered;
My thoughts begin to scatter.

As we prepare to say goodbye;
Everyone knowing they'll soon die.
I shed my last few tears;
Everyone passing a round of beers.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The lies tear holes;
Cutting through my soul.
I see empty bullet shells;
The distant sound of church bells.

You committed a sin;
Toss the gun in the nearest garbage bin.
Soon the guilt piles up;
But you never even gave a fuck.

You're an empty shadow,
A remnant of someone you used to be;
We were friends,
But in the end you turned on me.

You run away from the crime scene,
Your smile looking so obscene.
But you didn't think about the gun,
The fingerprints you left on the run.

You bought a first class ticket to a prison cell;
Congratulations mother fucker I'll see you in hell.
Don't worry I'll make sure to save you a seat;
For God doesn't forgive that kind of deceit.