Sunday, June 13, 2010

Senior Reflection #4

I can't believe that there's about a week to graduate and I will officially be eighteen! I am so excited; I plan on relaxing most of this summer as much as I can before heading off to college, too bad it will shorter this year compared to all of the years. At least I don't have to worry anymore about how to register to vote. I keep reminding myself that it's just one week left that I need to worry about and then I'm free from this school forever. I bet everyone is counting down the days to graduation, but I'm the only one with the ulterior motive because it also happens to be my birthday. I remember finding out on the last day of school last year that we would be graduating on the twenty-second of June and realizing that it would be my eighteenth when I was still expecting to be seventeen in a few days. My first thought was YES that's my birthday and my second thought was that's really late compared to everyone else who will probably graduate days maybe even weeks before us. Well at least I'm happy unlike everyone else sulking about the date being to late, but I also wanted to finish the year as quickly as possible so that I could enjoy my summer at last.

Article #4

The article I read satirizes the oil spill that took place in the Gulf of Mexico. It talks about how the government keeps running on bs and feeding bs or lies to the public about how are environment is doing. There needs to be more control taken over on these situations. Problems keep arising such as Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill. The oil spill could have been avoided if the right actions had taken place and if the government had been doing their job.

I chose this article because I agree with the fact that the government needs to do more to prevent these problems from taking place. I think it is well written because they were able to drive their point across. I believe the government has enough power to prevent the situations that have occurred, for instance they couldn't prevent Hurricane Katrina, but since the government was aware that it would take place they could have evacuated the people and put them in shelters away from where it took place. The government could take more precautions with these problems and help a lot more with the different situations.,17564/

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Senior Reflection #3

I can't wait any longer for school to be over and I graduate. School has been very stressful these days on account of final exams and projects. Thankfully in a few weeks school will be over and I won't have to worry about homework and projects anymore. Well at least for a little while I will be able to relax before getting ready for college. I'm hoping to make the most of my summer this year because I'm probably not going to have time to enjoy it with the years that follow while I'm in college and then in medical school. Then I'll have to worry about settling down and dealing with a job; I guess I'm one of the lucky kids that never needed a job before.

Article #3

The article I read is a satire about how Obama seems to be placing new sets of rules and ideas that seem to infringe upon our rights as Americans. It talks about the constitution and the Bill of Rights that state our freedoms and rights. The articles talks about how it seems Obama is giving jobs to illegal immigrants and letting the government get more power. The article is satirizing Obama's health care plan and his other policies that he has approved.

I chose this article because I thought it was interesting how they mentioned our freedoms and rights which I agree with. The article was good but I have no problems with Obama's health care plan or his other policies. I think everyone needs health care and Obama is helping people who cannot afford it as well as getting rid of preexisting conditions that allows health care plans to drop people. However, I enjoyed the article because I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.,17545/