Friday, December 3, 2010

Series of Misunderstandings and Truths

"Oh baby!!! Right there! I'm gonna-"

Guy 1: "Come on!!!!"
Guy2: "What's wrong?"
Guy 1: "I'm watching the basketball game and I swear these guys are playing ball but they don't have any-"

Instructor: "Balls!"
Random Student 1: "What did she say?"
Random Student 2: "She said that in order to become a better dancer, we have to dance on the balls of our feet."
Random Student 1: "Oh, all I heard was balls."
Random Student 2: "Really, of course you would; you have such a dirty mind because you're such a-"

Angry Dude: "Dick!!!! What a dick"
Random Guy: "What's wrong, who's a dick?"
Angry Dude: "Muhammad Ali"
Random Guy: "Why is he a dick. What did he do?"
Angry Dude: "Well, get this. He was banned from boxing because of some technicalities."
Random Guy: "What technicalities?"
Angry Dude: "He refused to fight and get drafted in the Vietnam War because it went against his new found religious Islamic beliefs."
Random Guy: "So, why does that make him a dick?"
Angry Dude: "It doesn't, let me finish my story!!!"
Random Guy: "Ok, Ok; go ahead and finish your story."
Angry Dude: "Well, in order to get his boxing title back, another boxer Joe Frazier went to the president himself, President Nixon at the time, to help Ali become a boxer again."
Random Guy: "Well, that was really nice of him."
Angry Dude: "You see that's what I said, but you haven't heard the whole story yet. Anyways, thanks to Frazier, Ali was able to get his boxing title back. But, then Ali and Frazier were supposed to have a match against each other. Now there were three different boxing matches in which they competed against each other. In one of the matches Joe won and in another Ali won. Before the last match took place, Ali had been trash talking about Joe to the news and in public."
Random Guy: "What do you mean by trash talking?"
Angry Dude: "Well, let me finish; anyways when I say he was trash talking I mean he was insulting Joe, even after Joe had worked so hard to help Ali get his boxing title back. He was saying that Joe resembled a gorilla and that he wasn't very intelligent. Then he called him the worst insult of all, worse than saying the n-word."
Random Guy: "Worse than the n-word! Like what?!!!"
Angry Dude: "He called him an Uncle Tom; which basically means that he caters to crackers or as I'd like to call it crackerjacks."
Random Guy: "You do realize that you're being racist against yourself by saying cracker, right? I mean you are white too."
Angry Dude: "Yeah, I know; but you don't get the point. Ali basically called Joe a slave!!!"
Random Guy: "Man that is harsh, even after all that Joe did for Ali!!!"
Angry Dude: "My point exactly! But it gets worse, you see the third match was their final match and it was the bloodiest most brutal of all boxing matches. It's a pretty famous fight too, and it was so epic."
Random Guy: "So they're boxers, it's gonna get brutal sooner or later."
Angry Dude: "I know that, but in the last battle Joe was basically blind and Ali was also not holding up well; Joe's manager said that they should throw in the towel and call off the fight, but Joe didn't want to he wanted to keep going. On the other side, Ali was ready to give up and throw in the towel. He told his manager that he wanted to quit. But before Ali's manager could call the fight off, Joe's manager beat him to it, and the fight automatically went in Ali's favor."
Random Guy: "What?!!!! That's so unfair, Joe's the one that wanted to keep going not Ali!"
Angry Dude: "Exactly!!! Now, you can see why I'm so angry; but now Ali has Parkinson's Disease. Which he totally deserves, it's called Karma bitch!!!"
Random Guy: "Isn't that a little harsh, and where did you learn all of this?"
Angry Dude: "I was watching a documentary about it on tv just now."
Random Guy: "Damn, learn something new everyday don't you?"
Angry Dude: "Yeah, what an ass."

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