Sunday, October 11, 2009

Current Event 2: As Pressure Grows, Obama Addresses Gay Rights Group

Background Info: This article is about whether or not the army should allow openly gay people to join the army. Obama talks to a gay rights group addressing that issue and the issue of allowing same-sex marriage to occur. So far he has not done anything to help with letting homosexuals join the army saying that the generals are looking into it.

Summary: President Obama wants to do all that he can to let gay people have the same rights as other people do. Throughout this article it shows some of his steps in trying to help with the issue even though it is not much he is still trying his best. In the article they compare his attempts on the issue to Bill Clintons'. They said it wasn't wise for Bill Clinton to deal with this issue so early on in his presidency and it is advised that Obama should also deal with the issue later on.

Analysis: Obama's attempt to deal with this issue is very admirable. He should still try to deal with some more important issues right now instead of this one even though it is just as important. He should probably focus more on his health care plan and other issues that everyone has been talking about such as the economic downturn.

Comment: I belive that homosexuals deserve to be treated with the same respect and they sould have the same rights as everyone else. It's not fair to discriminate them on how they live their lives and no one has the right to judge anyone else. I don't think it's anyones' business on who someone marries whether it is someone of the same sex or different. I personally think marriage is overrated anyway so it really shouldn't matter and it's about time people learned to accept homosexuals for who they are. As they all say 'they're here they're queer get used to it'.

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