Sunday, October 25, 2009

Current Event 5: Senate Global Warming Bill Is Seeking to Cushion the Impact on Industry

Background Info: There has been a Senate bill issued to reduce global warming pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the cost of the bill will be a hundred dollars per household. This bill is initially meant to help our environment by reducing the pollution that will increase in the future.

Summary: This bill is being sponsored by two Democratic Senators: John Kerry and Barbara Boxer. The bill is meant to reduce emissions from greenhouse gases. Their bill closely resembles another house bill sponsored by two Democratic Representatives: Henry A. Waxman and Edward J. Markey. Each bill would reduce about the same amount of emissions over the next forty years.

Analysis: The issues on global warming are very important to future generations and the environment. The bills will help make our environment better by reducing the chances of more pollution that is being emitted into the world.

Comment: I believe we as citizens should do all that we can to improve our environment in any way, shape, or form. We should support the bill to improve our lives and the generation after ours. If we don't take action now our environment will continue to deteriorate in the process. The more we help the environment the more beneficial it will be for everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great bill because it effects everyone rather than a select few. I think it may be seen as burden at first but in the long run it'll be worth it. Great job!
