Sunday, October 11, 2009

Question 3

Obama's health care plan sounds reasonable since he understands that having health care is very important and he is lowering the costs so that other people who don't have insurance can afford it. I would have to give him a B for working so hard to improve that issue.

I give Obama an A for effort on trying to help the economy but based off of the debt clock he's probably not going to get anywhere. Our debt is as bad now as it was during the Great Depression so it's going to take a lot of time to bring the economy back up. People predict that we are going to be in billons of more debt after Obama finishes his term. I would have to give him a D or an F since the economy is not going to improve even though he is trying his hardest.

As for Obama's stance on the war of terror he plans on getting the troops out of Iraq by the summer of 2010. I would have to give him a C for even though he seems to have a good plan, there are a lot of casualties or troops dying each day they are in Iraq since they are in so much danger. Who knows how many troops will die by the time Obama follows through with his plan or even if he will actually follow through with his 'plan' at all.

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