Friday, September 24, 2010


I dream of a better place,
A place where I can escape.
But I'm stuck here,
Where everything is unclear.
Darkness, doom and despair swarm around me.

Why must I live with this depression?
Is this supposed to teach me a lesson?
Everyone walks on a path of roses,
While I walk on a path of thorns.

Each day is a brand new one;
I walk in the shadows,
Everyone else walks in the golden rays of the sun.
I can see happiness around me,
But why don't I feel happiness as well.
A dark cloud looms over me.

Why do I love the rain?
Why do I yearn for pain?
I welcome the bitter taste of tears that never shed;
I fear to leave the sanctuary of my bed.

I'm tired of waking up everyday,
Pretending that everything's going to be okay.
A fake smile plays upon my lips,
I hope no one can see through it.

I look in the mirror,
And all I see,
Is a stranger staring back at me.
Where is the person that I once knew?
An innocence that I outgrew.

I'm left all alone,
Stripped away of everything I own.
I'm consumed by my depressing thoughts,
And the last thing heard is the sound of a gunshot.


  1. Poetry is apart of me!! with that being said i absolutely love this piece, i love the words the style the tone. It makes you feel the emotion and passion this is a good writting keep up the good work

  2. Thanks,I really appreciate that.I don't normally write poetry,but that was actually the first and I guess only poem I wrote for myself senior year of high school.
