Friday, September 10, 2010

Summer of Discontent

I stared at the vast expanse of the ocean laid out before me as I sat on the soft grainy sand. I guess you could say that I'm very grateful to have grown up at a beach house whereas most people come here only when they are vacationing. Every summer I see the same sets of picture perfect families with the set number of two point five children. I never understood the whole idea of having two point five how can you have half a child. I think it's just one of those weird ass analogies people come up with no good reason behind it whatsoever. None the less each family has two children each with both a boy and and a girl; kids I always end up having to babysit. I'm an only child which is pretty awesome sometimes, but other times it can be a drag knowing all of my friends have siblings that they can torture, fight with and hang out with. The children whom I have to babysit always act just as perfect as their parents. They always come dressed nicely for the summer, but they don't hang out in the water as much as you would expect. I offered to teach some of them how to surf, but they refused saying they would drown or something (heaven forbid that ever happen; not!) and their parents always agree.

I'm dreading the end of school and the thoughts of this upcoming summer are plaguing my mind because I know my mom is going to insist that I hang out with those robotic annoying kids again. I can tell you exactly what she's going to say in her usual strict voice, "Josh, you need to make a good impression on those kids. They are only here for the summer, must we always go through the same conversation every summer." She says more stuff about being a good person, but all I hear is "blah, blah, blah," and some more useless shit that I don't care about. Why do parents have to be so annoying all of the time? It's my fuckin' summer and I should be able to spend it however the hell I want! I shouldn't have to babysit those kids every summer (even thinking about it makes me want to vomit), I should be catching waves and hanging out with my friends.

Then it arrived, my summer or should I say their summer because I always have to do what they want and not what I want. "Hey Josh! Long time no see, I really missed you," said Sandra excitedly. Sandra's about a year younger than me, even though I hate having to hang out with the little twerps, I never minded hanging out with Sandra because she was the only one who had started showing interest in surfing and in me. She has always been really pretty and it's like I grew up with her, I had always been a little interested in her as well and she had, shall we say grown up quite nicely, if you know what I mean. Her beautiful cascade of blonde hair fell upon her slender shoulders. Out of all of the kids, she's the closest to my age, so I always ended up talking to her more than the others. I always love hanging out with her, but her little twerp of a brother Sammy always insisted on hanging out with us as well no matter how much we both tried to get away from the other kids. Sammy's real name is actually Samson and I always wondered what kind of parents would brand their son with a name like that, no offense intended towards Sandra's parents of course. Sammy always spiked up his blond hair up with gel, which always made him somehow resemble an evil anti-Christ or the spawn of the devil (but just between you and me he'd probably even be spurned by the devil himself). No doubt he's probably going to have the same trademark hairstyle. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that Sandra and Sammy are even related because he's so evil and she's more like an angel. How could either of them have the same blood coursing through their veins? Thank God, Sandra is nothing like her actual parents because all of the parents here are too into themselves to care about anything or anyone else aside from themselves. Sometimes the parents could care less about their spoiled children or their antics.

Anyways, I digress from my thoughts, let's go back to the present: "Hey Sandra! It's so nice to see you again. I can't believe your the first here, your family is usually always the last to arrive!" I said surprised. "I know, I can't believe it either, usually my parents always have to double check and sometimes even triple check if we're all packed before we can even leave. But this time they were in too much of a hurry to get here, to really care too much about it," Sandra replied with her trademark smirk. "Hey Joshy," said Sammy obnoxiously as he walked up to us (with his trademark hairstyle); he always adds a y at the end of my name always saying that he thinks it's cute, but I think I'm the only person who realizes that he does it on purpose to irk me. "Hey Sammy," I said, but not obnoxiously because I didn't want to upset Sandra. Sandra smiled knowing that I was trying my best to be civil towards her brother, which is a lot harder than it sounds, trust me on that. Sammy looked at me questioningly like I was trying to pull the wool over his eyes by being nice.

Then we heard shouts and I could see the other little twerps, right on time as usual aside from Sandra and Sammy, making their way towards us. There are eight kids in all including Sandra and Sammy of course. Larry, a kid who has extreme OCD, basically a total neat freak and his younger sister Janey who is not as OCD as her brother, but she is always sanitizing her hands. Lacey a sweet looking little girl, but a total spoiled brat whose just as selfish and self-centered as her god-awful parents and her twin brother Tracey (why they gave him a girl's name I have no idea, but I guess they were trying to match their kid's names together, which if you ask me is really lame), he's a kid who is even more of an egotistical jerk than the popular annoying kids at my school, probably just bitter because of his name (honestly, sometimes I feel a little bad for him, but then I remember how much of a jerk he is). Lydia, another sweet looking girl with geeky glasses and tons of allergies (some that she, the prissy little princess, can't even name!), she's also a know-it-all who's always correcting people's grammar including my own and I'm older than her, and her younger brother Dustin who is a cute looking little boy, at first, but as soon as he opens his mouth all you hear is a bunch of filth, his parents should have washed his mouth out with soap; I mean no seven year old cusses that much or at all and he acts really rude to everyone. I never understood why all of these kids have such awful names, didn't their parents think about giving them more modern names instead of scarring them for life.

"Hey Josh," they all greeted with artificial enthusiasm, thinking they could all fool me with their falsified happy voices and smiles that looked like they had been plastered upon their disdainful faces! The only person who has ever been genuine with me is Sandra, which is why I only appreciate her out of the spoiled bunch. Well I guess the adventure of the summer begins with the same kids and their many problems. "Hey guys, how is it going?" I asked with no hint of ingenuity betraying my voice to how I truly felt about the situation and the kids. I think they all already know just how much I despise them as I know how much they must despise having to spend time with me. They, like me, were forced by their parents to spend time with me because I'm still signified as their 'babysitter' as far as their parents are concerned. Those parents always say they come here to vacation with their kids, but truthfully they come here for their own pleasure so that they can spend some time alone together. Which as far as I'm concerned is just sick and wrong for adults to be engaging in those types of activities especially at their age even if they're more in their mid-thirties and they're really not that old. I hate them for depositing (or rather dumping) their children on me just so they can spend time together. While I can't even have any alone time with Sandra.

Fuck it, I'm going to make this summer better than my other crappy summers. Those parents can just suck it, I'm going to make this summer a summer that those little twerps will never forget and they will regret ever coming here and bothering me during my summer vacation. I'm going to start with focusing my attention on Sandra, by teaching her how to surf even if the other kids are opposed to it. It's not fair that the adults think they can screw each other while I'm stuck babysitting their pathetic children, it's more like they screwed me over. I'm just going to have to teach those adults and their deplorable and not to mention snooty children that they can't mess with my last summer before heading off to college. Their rich asses won't even know what hit them when I'm done ruining their summer because I'm sure as hell done with them ruining mine!

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