Thursday, September 16, 2010

Technology Challenge

So I thought about all of the technology I use and the only thing I could give up was my iPod which nearly killed me. Though I didn't listen to my iPod at all yesterday, I still listened to music on my computer; I had to in order to write my soundtrack for the week. Luckily all of the songs I was listening to are not on my iPod so they don't count. My iPod is my form of escape from the rest of the world and without it I was forced to actually look around at my surroundings; I guess you could say it was mind opening, but I don't plan on doing it again. I would have given up my phone, but my phone is my contact home and my mom usually always calls me once a day. I didn't listen to my iPod until I was going to bed which was a good half hour past midnight. I still can't believe I went through a day without my music! I always listen to music before going to bed though and I didn't listen until it was officially Thursday. I feel so proud of myself for actually being able to accomplish that.


  1. I too gave up my iPod for the "Technology Challenge." I originally thought my experience would be very similar to the one you described. I was surprised when I discovered that I day without music could be just as calming (or even more so) than a day filled with it.
    Good job on completing the challenge! And I love the name of your blog, btw :)

  2. I didn't listen to my iPod until I was going to bed which was a good half hour past midnight. how much to spend on a gaming pc

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