Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nightmare Lane

He walked along the cold, dark and desolate corridor searching blindly for the door that would lead him to freedom from the nightmare that is his life. Always being kept in the dark had done it's damage to his sanity. "Fuck, where's the god damn door," he yelled in fury and frustration. Then finally he found the doorknob and started to turn, but then he woke up finding that it was a nightmare after all. He awoke to a shaft of light shining down upon his face coming through the window next to his bed. He looked at his clock and wondered how long he had slept.

Afraid of getting anymore nightmares, he had started consuming more and more amounts of coffee to keep himself alert which resulted in him becoming an insomniac. It had been a long time since he had gotten such a good night's sleep which of course, to his chagrin, had resulted into another nightmare. Due to the lack of sleep, he had become angrier through the weeks and he had started to distance himself from his family and his friends. He had accumulated a ton of messages from his family and friends expressing their concern for his changes in behavior. 'I might as well humor them and listen to what they have to say,' he thought to himself. He decided to just listen to one since there were so many. "Danny, hey it's me Jason, your parents are here with me and we really need to talk to you about your insomnia, call me back when you get this, we're really worried about you," the message finished. Jason, one of Danny's best friend; they had grown up together and known each other since they were still in diapers. Jason really couldn't understand what was wrong with Danny, for he wasn't there none of them were.

Danny recalled the day as if it had happened just yesterday... It had started like any other, he got up and took a shower, brushed his teeth and ate his usual breakfast bacon and eggs with the some orange juice. He grabbed his keys, threw on his leather jacket and headed off to work at the music store. He had always hoped that some day he would become a huge musician himself instead of selling CDs of other famous singers and bands. He didn't know then how badly his hopes would be shattered on that fateful day. The store was located at the back of an alley. As he walked through the alley he felt a hand grab the back of his shirt and he felt the sharpness of an knife jabbing him in the back. An instant chill went up his back as he broke out into a cold sweat feeling a little nauseousness mixed in with dread like he would pass out at any second. He forced himself to stay alert and face his captor.

The man turned him around slowly and Danny looked into the cold dark eyes that were like two black coals of the man. Danny could feel the anger and tension of the man as he was sure the man could feel and smell Danny's fear that was surely radiating off his body. The man gave off a sinister smile as he sized Danny up and looked at him as if he were a piece of meat. "Oh, I'm gonna really enjoy this," he said gruffly and laughed wickedly. "What do you mean?" asked Danny with the fear apparent in his voice as he tried to sound as brave as possible. "I mean this," said the man as he grabbed Danny and shoved him down on the ground. The man force himself on top of Danny; "now don't be such a pussy about this asshole," he said close to Danny's ear as he pulled open Danny's belt and forcefully pulled his pants off and his boxers. He started pulling down his own pants, "now be a good little kitty and keep your mouth shut, got it," he said half expecting Danny to answer. "Get your fucking hands off of me you pervert," Danny said and as soon as he uttered those words he knew he should have just kept his mouth shut like he was told to. The man brought out his knife again, this time using it to make a scar on Danny's dick, but making sure not to make the cut to big. "I'm sure no one is going to be seeing your dick for a long time, am I right?" asked the man as another sinister laugh escaped his lips. He began repeatedly violating Danny as Danny desperately tried to hold in his tears and whimpers of pain. The sadness was overwhelming, he could still feel the penetration and all of the horrible things that the man had done to him.

Danny had already decided he wouldn't tell anyone about what had happened to him that day when he hadn't shown up for work. That was also the day he started getting the nightmares of being in the dark and not being able to find his way out like he was back in the alley again. He was going to take the secret to the grave even if it killed him. Depression and anger seemed to envelope and consume him as he started to feel like he was being suffocated from everything around him. Then one day Jason finally decided to confront him about what was going on with him and why he wasn't returning any of the calls that people kept sending him. Danny broke down and told Jason all that had happened on that day as Jason gave him a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on. "I'm so sorry Danny, but you should have told your family and me immediately instead of keeping your feelings bottled up for so long," Jason said. "I know, but I was ashamed of myself," Danny replied through sniffles. "You have no reason to feel ashamed, this wasn't your fault, it was that asshole's fault," Jason said with anger. "I know that man fucked up my life in more ways than one, I can't even sleep without having another nightmare," Danny said. "You need to tell your parents what happened their worried too," Jason said.

Danny told his parents and they gave him as much support as he needed to get back to normal. He was starting to get his sleep patterns back without the nightmares and slowly get over the awful incident. A few years later he met a woman and a year later he was married and they had a child coming on the way and he couldn't have been more happier to finally move on with his life. He would make sure to protect his own child from harm and keep his wife happy.

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