Friday, October 8, 2010

The Dark and Stormy Night

I stood there underneath the blazing sun mowing Mrs. Stan's lawn. I heard that there would be a storm coming, rumors were that it would be a hurricane. By the looks of the sky, it seemed highly unlikely. My name is Dominic Razz, but everyone including my teachers and family calls me Razzle-dazzle apparently it contains pizazz that brings my name to life. However, just because that's my nickname doesn't mean that I own any glitter, wear a fedora with a plume or parade around in pink. I don't wear Hawaiian shirts either; no I refuse to be labeled as a fag* based off of the name. I'm just a normal kid, that gets paid to mow my neighbors' lawns.

After I finished mowing, I headed back to my house and I decided to waste yet another day of freedom to play some video games. After killing a few hours with mindless games; the power went out. I had heard the rumbles of thunder and seen the flashes of lightning in the distance; but I didn't think there was anything to worry about. My parents had fled off to paradise away from me for their own "vacation". Why I didn't take advantage of the opportunity, I don't know. So, now I'm left alone in the dark, groping desperately for a flashlight all because I didn't heed the hurricane warning.

The flashes of lightning were helping me find my way through the empty and desolate house. I finally found a flashlight, the beam of light helped a lot than the lightning. I should have set up candles with matches and I should have gathered all of the flashlights in the house ahead of time just in case; the way my parents had always taught me to do during thunderstorms like this one. It took what felt like hours 'til the storm died down, but the lights were still out. I felt like I was being kept in the dark on purpose; forever isolated from civilization itself. When all of a sudden came a knocking at the door. A stranger, who was in desperate need of help. "I'm Stacey," she said, without hesitation and even before I asked her. I was wondering, how out of all the houses in the neighborhood, she showed up on my doorstep. Maybe I was the only idiot foolish enough to open my door to a stranger. It became painfully obvious from the look on her face that she was hurt. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I injured my ankle, and I have no where to stay tonight," she said. I could see the pleading in her eyes. Her hair was still wet and matted down on her face from the rain, even though the rain had stopped a couple of hours ago.

I decided to let her in, after all she was in a time of need. "Come in," I said; "what about your parents?" she asked. "What about them?" I asked; "aren't you going to ask them first?" she said. There was a few seconds of awkward silence that passed between us until she said, "wait, your parents aren't here... Are they?" She looked at me with her hand place firmly on her hips and one eyebrow cocked. I quickly thought on my feet, I deepened my voice and said, "why would they be? I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions now." "You're kidding right? You don't look any older than sixteen or seventeen," she arrogantly retorted. "So much for being a hot looking chick," I thought to myself. "You're a teen that's been left alone and you didn't throw a party or even invite a girl! I'm impressed! Unless you're gay; you're not gay, right?" She said. "No, I'm not gay," I said through gritted teeth. She had only been here a few minutes and she had already managed to insult me and piss me off. What, do I have the letters F-A- G or G-A-Y written on my forehead for people to just assume that I 'swing the other way'. "You look like you're about seventeen as well!" I said. "I am," she replied. "Yeah, so am I" I said.

"You never told me your name," she said. "I don't talk to strangers," I replied; "that's strange, you let strangers into your house, but you don't talk to them, even though you're talking to me right now," she said with a smile. She made a good point, but why should I have to tell her my name. She'd probably just turn up her nose and scoff at me. Why don't I just give her a phony name, it's not like she would have any proof of what my real name is anyway. For all I know probably didn't even give me her real name. "My name's Shane," I said with much more suave confidence. She seemed to buy it, then I said "we need to get you out of those wet clothes before you get a cold," I said. "It's nice to know that you're a caring person," she said with sincerity. I'm not gonna lie, even I was impressed and surprised by what I said.

"I'm sorry, I'm an only child, so the only girls' clothes in this house are my mom's clothes and you're probably not going to fit into those. But I can offer you some of my old clothes." "I'll make do with your clothes," she replied. "Suit yourself," I said and showed her my old clothes, which were still conveniently in my room and I directed her towards the bathroom. "I'll just change in here, if you don't mind," she said. "No, not at all, be my guest," I said as I kept standing there like a complete idiot. "Ahem! A little privacy please!" She said pointing towards the door. "Oh, sorry. I forgot, you meant you wanted to change by yourself without my help. However, I don't mind giving a helping hand," I said suggestively with a smirk. "In your dreams! Like I'd really let a jerk like you undress me and 'help me' change," she replied with a laugh, letting me know that she was only teasing. With that I left the room and waited for her outside in the hallway; until I heard her yelping in pain from her twisted ankle.

She couldn't change her pants, so she called me in for help. "Look who needs my help now," I said teasingly; "shut up and help me," she replied. "What's the magic word?" I asked; "please," she said. "Okay," I replied as I started helping her; I got a good flash of her enticing pink Victoria Secret panties as I told her to lay down on the bed so that I could take her pants off and put the dry ones on. I started slowly pulling the pants on her and my hands reached up to her torso as they were finally on. She was closing them and my hands were still right there on her ass. I finally pulled my hands off and noticed that most of her hair was dry now and a beautiful shade of blonde. I also noticed her beautiful brown eyes; then she looked up at me and said "you know, you're pretty cute, I like your green eyes. So much nicer than my boring brown ones and nice brown hair that signifies you're intelligent." "Now just because you're a blonde doesn't mean you're dumb, you shouldn't fall for those ridiculous stereotypes and I heard that blondes have more fun," I replied with a smile. "Now whose falling for stereotypes; though I guess you're right, I shouldn't fall for stereotypes," she replied. "You know, you're witty comments show that you're not dumb, so you shouldn't sell yourself short." "Okay! I get it, I'm not dumb!" She exclaimed with a smile. "Well good, just as long as you don't forget that about yourself," I replied.

"Look, I'm sorry I was acting like such a bitch before. But you know it's been such a long day and under the circumstances and weather...You understand the reason for my behavior, right?" She asked with regret. "You don't have to say anymore, of course I understand," I replied. "Thanks," she said. I can't believe that I had gone from liking her- to hating her and then back to liking her again that fast. I guess I shouldn't have judged her when I met her. "And, I'm sorry I acted like such a jerk," I said. "Don't think twice about that, besides you were right we're strangers you have a right to act like a jerk since this is you're house!" She exclaimed with a genuine smile. "That still doesn't justify my behavior," I replied with sincerity.

So we talked for the rest of the night by candle light while we waited for the power to come back. The lights didn't come back until the next morning. Somewhere during our talk, I had fallen asleep and by the time I had woken up, she was gone. She probably left at daybreak and managed to get away without waking me up or saying a goodbye. I never did see her again, she hadn't even left a note, so I went back to my sad and dreary life.

* Sorry if the fag comment offends anyone, that's just the character's blunt personality. I don't mean to be offensive towards anyone. If anyone has a problem with it please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. The end of the story was a good shift. I really wished she would've been kind enough to wait until he woke up or left a note or SOMETHING! She seemed so polite after aplogizing to go and just leave him in the morning.. And I like the Razz name too, that was clever. Haha.
