Friday, October 1, 2010

The Dream Dude and Dudette

"What do you look for in a girl Jason?" asked Dawson. "I want the type of girl with shoulder length brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. The type of girl with a lip piercing and an nose piercing perhaps even a tattoo. A girl who's not afraid to voice her opinions and get caught in the rain. The girl who has one of those childish smiles, the girl who jumps into the puddles and doesn't mind getting wet and I'm not just talking about getting wet from the rain," replied Jason with a devious smile. "Wow, dude that's too much information," said Dawson wincing at the double entendre of his words. "Well, I'm not done listing out the things yet. I also want her to be the type of girl who wears a t-shirt with a band name on it like The Ramones, The Beatles or even modern band names like Kings of Leon. A pair of jeans or short shorts and a pair of comfortable sneakers like Converses or something," Jason replied.

Meanwhile... "What do you look for in a guy Cindy?" asked Sabrina. "I want a guy with messy black hair and mysterious dark eyes. The kind of guy that wears a leather jacket and rides a motorcycle with a helmet of course. A bad boy that I could tame, who smokes cigarettes and looks sexy as hell while doing it. However he also has a sweet side that he rarely shows and a good sense of humor too," Cindy replied with a dreamy look on her face. "Wow, that's sounds totally hot! Too bad all of the hot guys are taken! Very rarely can you even find a guy that's sweet anymore!" exclaimed Sabrina.

While each of the pair of friends had their conversation they all rounded the corner. "I just wish I could find him/her," Jason and Cindy both said at the same time as they collided while rounding the corner. "Hey! Watch where you're going! Look what you did!" yelled Cindy. She had been holding a hot cup of coffee from Starbucks in her hand that was now all over her t-shirt. "Woops," Jason replied. "The least you could do is apologize for spilling hot coffee on me!" said Cindy tapping her foot impatiently. "Whatever," said Jason. "Oh, forget it!" Cindy exclaimed as she walked away with her friend trailing behind. "Jeez, can you believe that bitch!" said Jason. "Well dude, she kind of looked like the girl you were describing as your dream girl," said Dawson. "Her! That girls obviously way too uptight for me!"Jason replied. "Well you could have at least said that you were sorry," said Dawson. "Damn, you're right, I kind of did come off as a complete jerk. It's my fault she spilled coffee on her shirt," said Jason. "She was wearing a shirt with a band name too!" said Dawson. "Really! I guess I wasn't paying any attention. Maybe if I walk fast enough I could catch up to her and apologize," said Jason. "Okay, well I'll talk to you later than Jason," replied Dawson. "Yeah, later," Jason replied as he took off to find the girl.

"Can you believe that asshole! He spilled coffee on me and didn't even have the decency to apologize! He ruined my favorite shirt!" exclaimed Cindy with exasperation. She looked down sadly at her shirt with the band The Doors written on it as well as the band members. "I know, but he looked exactly like the guy you were describing earlier," replied Sabrina. "Him! He didn't even look like he possessed any qualities of being a sweet and sensitive kind of guy," replied Cindy. "No, but he definitely possessed that bad boy quality and the looks," gushed Sabrina. It started to rain and Cindy looked up at the sky. "Don't you just love the rain!" exclaimed Cindy, completely forgetting about her encounter with the jerk and her ruined shirt. She closed her eyes and looked up towards the sky as she began to twirl around in circles enjoying the wet rain drops falling upon her smooth skin. "Oh, Cindy, do you always have to be so childish when it rains!" exclaimed Sabrina with a small smile. "I love the rain! you should join in," said Cindy.

Jason finally rounded the corner and saw her. She had a smile playing upon her lips and she was facing towards the sky with her eyes closed and spinning around without a care in the world. "She looks so cute!" thought Jason as he realized that she was the dream girl he had been waiting for. As Cindy slowly opened her eyes she noticed Jason watching her with a sexy smile on his lips. His messy hair was matted down on his face as it started raining harder. "Wow, he is my type after all," thought Cindy as she saw that not only did he have the same appearance as her dream man, but also wore the same worn looking leather jacket that she had always adored in her fantasies.

"Sorry," Jason said sheepishly, suddenly very shy about talking to such a hot girl. "She looks so hot with wet hair! I just want to rip her clothes off right now," thought Jason. "It's okay. I know that you didn't mean to spill coffee on me, you and I were just at the wrong place at the wrong time," said Cindy. "Or the right place at the right time" thought Jason. "I couldn't help, but notice that I ruined your shirt. I love The Doors as well and I don't mind replacing your shirt," said Jason. "You don't have to really, but if you like them then I'm guessing you like all sorts of rock bands right?" said Cindy. "Yes, I also like modern rock bands, why do you ask?" asked Jason. "Well it just so happens that I have tickets to a rock concert, the bands name is Kings of Leon. I was wondering if you would be interested in going with me?" asked Cindy. "So is that like a date? Since we just met, so don't you think that's a little soon?" asked Jason. "I guess, but I have no one to go with since none of my friends are really big fans of the band," said Cindy. "Well, in that case why don't we go on a few dates before the concert to get to know each other better and then we can go to the concert," said Jason. "That's sounds really good. I guess I'll see you then. Here's my number," said Cindy as she grabbed Jason's hand and wrote down her number. "Hey! It's raining, the water is going to erase the number!" exclaimed Jason. "Well, in that case you better get the number down fast," said Cindy mischievously. "I'm just kidding, I have my cell phone so you can just give me your number and I'll call you," replied Cindy. "Sounds good, but you better not be lying about calling me!" Jason said. "I'm not," replied Cindy and with that he gave her his number.

They both went to the concert after their first few official dates and had a blast. Now very few people believe in soul mates, but it was quite obvious that the two were inseparable and a few years later they got married and had kids. Now I would say they lived happily ever after, but no one knows the future, so it's not like they didn't have their fare share of ups and downs.

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