Friday, October 29, 2010

Past Halloween Memories

Since it's almost time for Halloween, I thought I would talk about how I spent my past years during Halloween. Of course as a child I would trick or treat, but I haven't done that since I was thirteen; that year I trick or treated with my cousins and we were supposed to be zombie soccer players. Basically we had used make-up to draw scars on our faces and I borrowed my cousin's soccer jersey. After that I spent the years watching some of my favorite movies; when I was younger my sister, my cousins and I watched the movie "Hocus Pocus" and I loved it. So whenever that comes on TV around Halloween I watch it out of habit. I also watch "Halloween: Resurrection" which is one of my favorite Halloween movies of all time. I remember that was the movie I watched on the day I should have been studying for my chem exam that I would be having the next day after Halloween, back when I was a sophomore in high school. Teachers should never assign exams when they know that it's more or less a 'holiday', even though Halloween isn't exactly considered a holiday, it should be. Last year I watched "Halloween: Resurrection" again and a movie that was coming on MTV called "My Super Psycho Sweet Sixteen".

I know everyone that went to my high school would always go to Markoff's Haunted Forest whenever Halloween rolled around. It's located in Maryland and I only went there once with my sister and my cousins, back when I was a junior. It's basically a tour through these 'woods' where a bunch of scary stuff comes at you, they even have people dressed up as trees to fool you and scar you when you least expect it. We went on a really chilly night and one of my older cousins was trying to scar all of us girls, luckily I was closer to the front so I was never one of the targeted people he was trying to scar. At one point he was sitting directly underneath a mock spotlight, with his shirt over his head and we kept telling him that wouldn't work because he was right underneath the light, it was pretty obvious what he was trying to do. While his head was under his shirt he didn't notice one of the 'trees' headed towards him. Instead of scaring the girls he ended up getting scared himself by one of the mock 'trees'. It gets scarier towards the end when a guy with a fake, very loud 'chainsaw' comes at you. The drive there wasn't very long, but the drive back was; my sister was driving and she was scared by how small and narrow the paths were. She kept saying talking about how because no one really lives down there it would be really easy for someone to bury a body or kill someone and no one would find out. Basically what makes Markoff's Haunted Forest so awesome is because it's in the middle of nowhere which essentially makes it that much more appealing and scary at the same time.

Since I am talking about Halloween I might as well divulge in the story of how the name Sarah was always a curse to me. In the past, back when I was still in elementary school there were three girls, by the name of Sarah, that always posed problems for me. The first was Sarah K., she was always a bitch to me, she was never good at pronunciation or she was illiterate or something because she always called me Dukie, I can't tell you how many times I told her that the e in Duke is silent. Two of my oldest cousins went to Duke University so I owned a lot of shirts and a sweatshirt with that logo. I think she just had a personal vendetta against me, but I honestly don't know why; that was back in third grade. Then in fifth grade it was Sarah H., she loved making fun of my last name; she was the biggest slut at our high school and pretty popular, but she stopped posing problems for me. Then there's the last Sarah; Sarah J., the whole reason I brought this up and why this has to do with my Halloween memories. It was sixth grade and Sarah J. was disrespecting other people's stuff; we were in another class room for English. So I told Sarah to stop messing with the stuff in the desks because they didn't belong to her, but she didn't listen. Then, for no reason at all, she started kicking me; we were starting a new book that day, something about someone named Stella. There were some Spanish phrases thrown in there as well; anyway, the teacher was calling on specific students to read. It was the first chapter and unfortunately because I have such bad luck, she called on me to read. While I was reading Sarah kept kicking me, everyone now and then I would pause for a little too long because of the pain; I think my teacher assumed it was because I couldn't pronounce the words, but that obviously wasn't the case. That teacher must have been oblivious as fuck, because that whole entire time she didn't notice me wincing in pain as I read. Finally, I finished the first chapter and I didn't retain any of the information about the story at all. I looked at Sarah and the only thing on my mind was revenge, so I kicked her once and I could see the fear in her eyes afterward; I was only planning on kicking her once, but she put her legs on the side of the chair so I couldn't kick her again. However, since I have such bad luck, the teacher noticed me kick Sarah. The only thing I could think about when she told us both to come to the back of the class to talk to us was, why did it take her so long to notice and how come she only noticed when I kicked Sarah and not when she kicked me. Now, here's the kicker (mind the pun), that all took place on a Friday the day of Halloween. So we all received candy and a lecture for kicking each other. Sarah J. started being more civil to me though; which is good because she actually lived in the same neighborhood as me. Actually she only lived one house away from mine, so basically all of the popular kids knew where I lived. She also had a couple cats, and I hate cats; one of her cats would always manage to come into my yard and it would always annoy the shit out of me.

Ever since those three Sarahs, I haven't had any more problems with the people named Sarah. I was actually friends with a couple of Sarahs after elementary school. So luckily there will never be a problem with the people named Sarah again. I used to tense up automatically each time I heard that name being uttered. Especially since Sarah K. almost got me suspended or a warning from the vice principal about suspension for passing notes. That and Sarah K. loved bullying me throughout that year. I don't know what I'll be doing this year for Halloween, hopefully it will be something interesting. I've always wanted to know what it would be like to go to the cemetery at night on Halloween. Though I love horror movies, I don't believe in ghosts, ghouls, vampires, werewolves or anything else that has to do with Halloween monsters or associated with Halloween. Too bad no ones allowed in the cemetery after dark which really sucks balls.

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