Friday, October 29, 2010

Personal History

When I was nine I was sent to my elementary school's clinic because my lip was bleeding. While I was trying to clean up my lip, I passed out; luckily the school nurse caught me before I fell to the ground. I'm pretty sure I passed out at the sight of my own blood while I had been trying to clean it up. I assumed that my mom had freaked out about it and that's why a couple weeks later we went to see a doctor that does EEG tests which basically study your brain waves. The doctor asked me simple questions like my name and what I like such as my favorite color and stuff like that. All I could think about that whole entire time was how badly I wanted to wash my hair because the shit he put on my head felt so gross. As a child I hated washing my hair because the shampoo would always get in my eyes and in my mouth.

I asked my mom why she had sent me to that doctor when I really didn't need to go to that doctor. The only reason I had passed out in the first place was because of the blood. She told me that the school nurse had told her it would be a good idea to get me checked out just in case by a qualified doctor to find out if anything specific was wrong. Which I guess in hindsight was a good idea, no matter how stupid I thought it was at the time. I really thought my mom had sent me to the doctor because she had freaked out about it; but either way, my mom spending money to get me sent to the doctor is reason enough for me to understand how much she truly cares about me and my health. Honestly, that was the single most humiliating moment in my life because of how weird it felt to be questioned by a random doctor. Having those wires stuck to my head so that he could study my brain waves was just embarrassing. It was like adding insult to injury, as if passing out in front of some of my peers wasn't humiliating enough; I get sent to a doctor, usually when people get sent to doctors like that, it's because they have something that's wrong with their mental health.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you're talking about!!!!! I've had motor ticks for years now, and for a while my doctor thought they were seizures so I had to have 2 separate EEGs. One was just like the one you had. Only I was in 11th grade and the technician lady was pretty nice. But I hated the gel stuff too, and it smelled like oranges and alcohol and took forever to get out of my hair. The second EEG was worse though. It was a 24 hour one so I had to keep all the crap on my head for a whole day and I had to carry the mini machine on my back in a really ugly bookbag. It was really embarrassing. I had to go into the gas station with my mom the morning I was going to get it taken off and everyone stared at me. It was awful.
