Thursday, October 14, 2010

In Defense of the Environment

I'm tired of people not caring enough about our environment. Recycling is important for the Earth and people need to start taking global warming seriously. If everyone just did their part in saving the environment then we would all be living in a better world. There are a ton of greenhouse gases that are fucking up our ozone layer and interfering with mother nature. There are a ton of little things people can do, like instead of buying regular light bulbs you can buy CFL's. Sure CFL's cost a lot more than the regular light bulbs, but what's more important saving the world for the generations to come or saving just a little more money? Hell! My mom is so stingy and only buys stuff if its on sale and even we buy CFL bulbs! However, I'm ashamed to say that I accidentally broke one of them.

Did you know that a thirteen watt CFL is equal to a sixty watt incandescent? Burning one CFL for four hours per day for one year keeps a hundred and thirty seven pounds of Carbon Dioxide from going into the atmosphere. One hundred million CFL bulbs saves thirteen point seven billion pounds of Carbon Dioxide is equivalent to taking one point three million cars off the road! It saves enough electricity to power more than six hundred thousand homes for a year or a city with a population of one point five million people! I bet your wondering how I know this, well believe it or not those were my chemistry notes. My teacher spent a couple of days talking about the environment and I have to say it was really interesting! Usually that class is humdrum and boring as hell! Honestly, there are days where I feel like I'm going to fall asleep in his class! Did I mention that it's one of those big lecture hall classes. So if I did fall asleep no one would even remotely give a damn.

After that class, my friend and I had a discussion about how important we both think it is to recycle and actually care about the environment. Apparently my friend's family doesn't recycle which really shocked me! She has told her parents to recycle, but apparently they don't seem to listen and her mom doesn't like the look of CFL's. My parents do recycle which I am grateful for; I was also in a recycling club in high school. The club was called Students' Against Global Abuse or SAGA. I know some people don't even believe that global warming is even real which is complete bullshit if you ask me. I don't know about anyone else, but I actually care about the penguins and polar bears. I mean how can you not? They are so cute and adorable, you'd have to be completely insane not to care! If you don't care than I strongly suggest you watch the documentary "March of the Penguins" and tell me that you don't find those animals adorable. I dare you to watch and not feel some sort of sympathy and compassion for how global warming is ruining their chances at survival.


  1. It is plain to see that you strongly care about the condition of our environment and the evolving relationship between the environment and humanity. I admire this. I volunteered with the Keep Henrico Beautiful Recycling campaign throughout all four years of high school and it taught me a lot. I think that the environment is the most powerful, yet fragile force over the survival of humanity. Too many people overlook or underestimate the importance of taking care of the environment. Look at the Gulf of Mexico and the additional oil spills. Our entire world can end, or radically evolve from what it is now with the presence of oil intertwined in the ecosystem. Disease and epidemics of illness may arise, alongside new species. Plus, the planet Earth has no hope for survival without the availability of water. The environment holds so much power in determining the future of society. We must attend to it with great awareness.

  2. You make a lot of valid points here. I agree that the environment is suffering because of people's ignorance. It's such a shame to see how much damage is being done because of us, and it hurts to know that as much work we as individuals do to combat the destruction of Earth, we won't get very far by ourselves. The whole world needs to change. My biggest fear is that people aren't going to change until it gets to the point where we can't even breath, and by then it'll be too late.
