Friday, October 15, 2010

Simile Poem

This is a poem that I wrote while reminiscing about the moments I used to jog with my dad and sometimes with my family as a whole. I'm in the Def Poets Society club with my friend and we were told to write simile poems. I know what you're probably thinking, that club is just a rip off of the movie the "Dead Poets Society"; but whatever I don't care because I actually like poetry.

It was like running on air,
It was like going through a bouquet of red roses,
It was like nothing in this world,
It was like a strong chemical bond that can't be broken,
It was like a strange sense of calm and peace,
It was as if nothing could ruin the moment or rush of adrenalin coursing through my veins,
It was as if I could fly and nothing could bring me down.
It was running through 'The Jungle'* and nothing not even fear could touch me,
It was a moment I would never forget,
It was love and family bonding time,
It was what it was and nothing can change it.

*'The Jungle' comment refers to someone's house which was in the path of where my family and I would run. This specific house never cut there shrubs and it looked like a jungle so that's what we called it. My family (which consists of my parents and older sister) would never be willing to run through it only I would run through it. My mom would always freak out and tell me that I would get kidnapped or something even though it would take me only about a few seconds to run through it. My family would avoid it by running onto the road; I would always think they were just being a bunch of babies, but whatever.

1 comment:

  1. So I really like this! Running is one of the only things that makes me feel better no matter what's going on... And I think it's really cool that you run with your family! This is very creative and I think it's cool you're in this Dead Poet Society thing too, so don't say it's weird!
